The RM Method

a science-backed approach to holistic healing

What is the RM method?

The RM method combines music, active sound healing, somatic movement, breathwork, embodiment, EFT Tapping, and vocal activation.

This holistic approach transcends age and appeals to a diverse range of individuals, addressing the complete spectrum of well-being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

  • Music & Active Sound Healing

    The RM Method harnesses the power of carefully selected music and sound frequencies to create a therapeutic environment, promoting relaxation and emotional release.

    Our sound ceremonies are designed to stimulate specific brain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex, associated with emotional regulation and self-reflection.

  • Somatic Movement

    Within the RM Method, somatic movement practices are thoughtfully integrated to enhance body awareness and emotional release, specifically targeting areas of the body associated with trauma.

    Our somatic practices, grounded in science, facilitate the release of pent-up emotions and offer a path to spiritual growth through movement.

  • Breathwork

    Breathwork techniques within the RM Method are aligned with scientific principles, promoting emotional balance by influencing the autonomic nervous system.

    Participants experience a calming effect as breathwork practices synchronize with therapeutic sounds, enhancing emotional release, and achieving a harmonized nervous system.

  • EFT Tapping & Vocal Activation

    The RM Method incorporates EFT tapping as a powerful tool to rapidly transform thought patterns, addressing emotional distress effectively.

    Vocal activation techniques, including singing chanting and reciting affirmations, within the RM Method are used to resonate with discordant aspects within the spirit, achieving a harmonious state of being grounded in science.


EFT Tapping and Affirmation Tutorial

Tap to the beat of a song from our playlist :)

Use EFT tapping, affirmations, and journaling together as a tool to reprogram your subconscious. Manifest the life you truly desire with our Affirmation Manifestation Journal.

Join the RM Membership Portal – Your Path to Deeper Healing

Discover the power of holistic healing with the RM Membership Portal, your gateway to a transformative journey. Inside, you'll find exclusive content, supportive community engagement, and advanced practices for trauma release and nervous system regulation. Join us to access a wealth of resources designed to guide you toward deeper healing and a balanced, fulfilling life. Embrace the path to wellness with the RM Method.

Meet the founders

Lisa and Eva's paths, intertwined by their shared passion for music, dance, healing and transformation, led to the creation of the RM Method –a unique tapestry of science-backed and holistic practices. Their personal journeys of resilience and discovery are deeply embedded in the foundation of this method. They didn't just seek healing; they chased it, dedicating over a decade to studying an array of disciplines including neuroscience, yoga, sound healing, energy healing, somatic and embodiment practices, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This extensive exploration and commitment to understanding the depths of healing and wellness have been distilled into the RM Method. It’s more than a set of practices; it’s a culmination of knowledge and experience, carefully simplified and integrated to offer a profound healing journey. The method is designed to regulate the nervous system, reprogram the subconscious, and align energy, fostering true manifestation.

Together, Lisa and Eva form a dynamic duo whose experiences and expertise complement each other perfectly. The RM Method is a living embodiment of their belief in the power of integrated healing. It aims to regulate the nervous system, reprogram the subconscious, and align energy for true manifestation.

Their vision is to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and healing, enabling them to unlock their full potential and embrace a life of balance and fulfillment.

You deserve to feel safe in your body.

Our member portal was created to help support you throughout the various stages of your healing journey. If you’re ready to transform stuck emotions into personal power, then this is for you!


  • This space of intuitive frequencies and movement allowed me to connect and feel safe in my body .

  • Rhythmic Metamorphosis is the most sacred reminder that everything you need is within.

  • Rhythmic Metamorphisis is the perfect combination of movement, fun, freedom, and introspection.

try a rm method practice

Make a donation.

We believe everyone should have access to transformation. Proceeds go directly to our retreat scholarship and to the communities in which we host retreats.

Thank you for being a part of collective healing. You are the source.